Monday, January 29, 2007

I have a new addiction

Have you ever read any of the Vinyl Cafe stories? They are so fabulous! On the way to Swift Current this weekend for my nephews birthday Chad and I put in one of the CD's my sister made me with a few stories on it.I don't think we've laughed that hard in a long time!! And they really hit close to home! So today him and I went to the library to get a couple of books so we can start reading the short stories at home. To anyone that hasn't heard of them, go get one from the library! Highly recommended!!!

1 comment:

Mike said...

I've heard him read before. My parents have a couple CDs. You're right, hilarious and great for road trips. My favorite was him going for the family Christmas holiday.

Hey, you guys want to come to Costa Rica in May by chance?