Friday, September 29, 2006
What I Deal With...
That portion of the north east quarter described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the Eastern boundary of said quarter section with the Southern limit of a roadway as said roadway is shown on plan 6790BM thence Westerly at right angles to said Eastern boundary 850 feet; thence Northerly parallel with said Eastern boundary to said Southern limit of said roadway; thence Easterly along said Southern limit of said roadway following the various courses thereof to the place of commencement and containing 6.07 hectares (15 acres) more or less.
The best part is, there was all this work just to create a rectangle. Honestly...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Cole's Gone
I think what he's doing should be inspiration for all of us - he's living life the way it's meant to be intended. He found that he was just getting into rut after rut living here, that he wasn't accomplishing anything meaningful in his life. He's off to create an adventure with no time limits and no real direction.
I will probably write another blog that focuses more on the steps he took to come to this conclusion but for now I just want to pay him tribute by saying, "You're doing it... you're living the dream... all the best" - Tracey
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Weird Time in my Life
I think in everyone's life they get to a point where they are tested. We're tested in many ways - physically, mentally, emotionally. I still live by the age-old saying of "Whatever doesn't kill you just makes you stronger". I believe in that fully.
I know I haven't written in here in a while. I've been trying to but just never seem to be able to find the time. Right now I'm working on myself, and my life, and trying to find what is priority. I want to keep this something that is priority and start just 'getting it all out'.
This last little while has been the hardest while that I have ever faced. With so much going on I am amazed that I can still smile every day and see the beauty around me. I have somehow remained positive and I have SOOOO many people to thank for that!!
As most of you already know my parents are going through a seperation right now which has got me a little lost on life. September Long Weekend I went out to my Dad's house (the place that I grew up in) for the first time since my Mom moved out. It seemed SO empty and no longer felt like home. The roles have seemed to switch too - now I'm the one looking after my parents instead of the other way around. I call to check in on them, make sure they have enough money to pay the bills, invite them to my place for the weekend (on different weekends of course lol). As much as I think they're both better off this way, it's very crushing for me. And then when my Dad decided to start dating people! WELL! Now THAT should've been a blog in here. You can all read about it in the book of my life lol. I am sure someday I will actually write it.
To add to this drama and loss of sense of family - Cole is moving to Europe on Monday. Cole's been a huge part of my life lately... I can email him or call him at any time of the day to just spill the drama and he takes the time to listen or email me back. I don't think he realized just how much he helped me through this all. I'm going to miss him.
Also to add... Scott moved out the end of August... so not only did I lose the BEST roommate EVER (sorry Lucas... the 3 days you were here were pretty great, so you're a close second lol), but also a close friend who would let me whine about things almost every single night before I went to bed.
To top it off, I started a new relationship recently and it ended last night. Or I guess put on hold more so. I think. I hope. Who knows??? hahaha...
There's been other drama too but I don't have the time to talk about it all right now...
So money's been tight, tension and stress at a high point, but somehow I know this will all work out for the better.